AlfMC's Life Blog

September 9, 2009

Foundation Protein

Filed under: Health. — by alfmc @ 23:37

Foundation Protein

All living things are made up of various combinations of elements, oils, minerals, and amino acids or proteins which are the building blocks of life. Our human bodies are made up of various combinations of 22 amino acids minerals and water, there are 8 essential amino acids, essential means our body cannot manufacture them, they have to be taken in from an outside source, the food chain! The rest of the required amino acids can actually be synthesised by various organs in our bodies, provided sufficient quantities of the 8 essential amino acids are available!

Of course it is vastly preferable to have sufficient quantities of all 22 amino acids available from our nutritional intake (food). The mechanism’s that synthesize the more common amino acids from the 8 essential ones are more gainfully employed contributing to the strength and resilience of our immune systems! Also if a specific amino acid is required by the immune system for manufacturing an anti virus it is preferable to have it readily available, “off the shelf” rather then waiting for it to first be synthesised from a possibly limited supply of the 8 essentials.

Beware of protein supplements that are not complete, especially those that do not contain all 8 essential amino acids. Single source protein supplements should also be avoided as it is almost impossible to obtain the rich variety and balanced quantities required for optimal nutrition. After all few of us ever entertain the idea of subsisting on a singles isolated source of food, This is what was meant when we were taught to eat a balanced diet at school, obtain your daily nutrition from a variety of foods taken from all the food groups.

I have never understood humans that have clawed their way to the top of the food chain only to become vegetarians. What we eat is definitely a choice for most of us, I chose balance and moderation, I also demand balance and variety from my supplements! The foundation for nutrition should be lipids and sterols, and a good 22 amino acid protein. The lipids are required for cell wall construction, and the amino acids are required for everything else including manufacturing enzymes needed to assimilate all the other nutrients our bodies extract from our diets!

1 Comment »

  1. I usually don’t post on Blogs but ya forced me to, great info.. excellent! … I’ll add a backlink and bookmark your site. 🙂

    Comment by REIT — October 6, 2009 @ 22:38 |Reply

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