AlfMC's Life Blog

August 22, 2009

Foundation. Fitness

Filed under: Health. — by alfmc @ 13:56

A good foundation is the basis for anything meaningful and also necessary if you require lasting and beneficial results.

This is true for most things in life and is essential when we intend to work on our diet in order to become healthier or prolong our health and wellbeing.

Looking at most current health pyramids, you will notice there is a new lower layer on which the former foundation now rests; this “new” layer is exercise for health and   fitness!

Any health or diet program that advocates some magic pill or potion that will lead you to optimal health and that does not contain physical exercise as an essential element should be avoided.

It is however important to realise what is meant by exercise.

The term exercise usually conjures up visions of sweating away in a gym or jogging on the road for hours. While this can be beneficial if not overdone, it is not essential since   most of us can easily accomplish our required fitness simply by changing some of our daily routine.

On waking in the morning, before getting out of bed, do a few stomach crunches. Start with 3 deep breaths. Inhale deeply to the count of 4 and exhale on the count of 6 while bringing awareness to all parts of body. It helps to focus within yourself. With your feet on the mattress and knees bent and belly button pulled towards back, keep your hands behind your head and crunch. Continue with deep breaths for a good supply of oxygen. This and the support of the mattress give a feeling of calmness and you are able to do more, although you should start with a few crunches and increase by one every   day. Never perform stomach crunches with stretched legs as this position causes back injury. (As advised by Biokinetics) It is always important to ease into any exercise routine as most people quit exercising because they over do it in the beginning, suffer the pain and stiffness and quit before realising the benefit!

Of course if you are over 35 and have not been exercising or have specific health challenges, it is always best to consult a qualified health professional and at least gain basic fitness levels under their care before developing your own routine!

Another basic change could be made when parking your car. Instead of elevating your blood pressure fighting for a parking space close to the entrance of a store, office or mall, park in an open spot away from the entrance and walk. The benefits of 15 to 20 minutes of brisk walking every day (even when broken into short walks) go a long way toward fulfilling your daily exercise requirement. Choose to take the stairs instead of an escalator or elevator, which will also prepare you for when these are not functioning especially these days when power cuts seem to be more widespread, and common.

Gentle stretching and own body resistance exercises require no expensive apparatus, are easy to learn and apply, and definitely improve your sense of wellbeing as long as you do not overdo them or hurt yourself by attempting too much before you have achieved basic fitness.

Consult a fitness coach, or look up simple stretching and exercise routines on the internet, walk to your local library and take out a book, the important thing is to learn and apply, fitness cannot be obtained by learning alone, application is essential! Start slowly and build your way to a good base for your own foundation of health! Eastern cultures can not understand why westerners start anything physical (exercise), spiritual (praying) or psychological without first using breathing exercises. It takes 3 deep breaths to centre your awareness within your being. Keep on with deep breaths during physical exercise and it becomes easier, heart rate stays low for longer and the mind resists less. A good oxygen supply is as important as warming up with some slow stretching exercises before the main exercise routine.


  1. That is great that you are committed to being so active!! Have you looked into Beachbody and the awesome home fitness opportunity that they offer? If you are interested, contact me, I would love to chat with you about an opportunity to get in the best shape of your life. Take care and good luck.

    Comment by Jesse Regan — August 22, 2009 @ 17:37 |Reply

  2. Awesome advice. The foundations and basics are the most forgotten about part of exercise, and most definitely the most important!
    If you want to succeed in anything, start with the basics and move forward… But never leave the basics behind!
    Well Done Alf, Miskar, and Isa

    Comment by Raymond Wylde — August 25, 2009 @ 11:17 |Reply

  3. […] alfmc wrote an interesting post today onFoundation. <b>Fitness</b> « AlfMC's BlogHere’s a quick excerpt […]

    Pingback by Fitness Blogger » Blog Archive » Foundation. Fitness « AlfMC's Blog — August 25, 2009 @ 19:42 |Reply

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