AlfMC's Life Blog

August 5, 2009

Suplements, Natural vs Synthetic.

Filed under: Health. — by alfmc @ 14:02

If I wait for there to be a medical reason before I take supplements, it means that I haven’t looked after my body?
I either eat wrongfully, eat foods produced in depleted or polluted soil and maybe develop a foodborne disease.
I also chose to ignore the fact that there are whole food supplements available that boost my immune system and give me the minerals, vitamins that are lacking in the supermarket food (10% of supermarket food is nutritious or natural, the rest is chemical rich and carcinogenic) so that my body can win over disease before there is a medical reason for me to take supplements.
Please distinguish between synthetic, natural, organic and wholefoods. 
I expect the medical professionals to treat me, once I have the medical reason to take supplements, hoping they know about these non invasive whole food products without referring to “their” book of listed drugs and synthetic supplements to be used on me – the guinea pig.
They might get it right when it is too late for me.
I therefore think the best advice to anybody is: –

 Be informed about the food you eat.
About the pollutants, added chemicals, soil depletion etc.
The WHO (World Health Organization) is a good place to start researching.
– Avoid any readily available, cheap, synthetic, natural products.
If your Pharmacist can’t tell you which one is which, do not buy them.
Synthetic products affect your liver first.
– Choose wholefood products that have been available for many years and that are known not to have wrong side effects.
– If we can buy it in the supermarket leave it out of our lives!
These supplements do not do what the labels says and cause long term suffering.
– If we have a headache, do not take a pain killer, find out the cause.
A Headache is not aspirin deficiency.
– Bioavailable, cold pressed unpolluted food that belongs in the normal and natural human food chain, make good wholefood supplements.
If we do not know the difference between these products and what is advertised, do not buy them.
– Wholefood supplements help us to avoid a medical reason before we need a medical reason to take supplements.
They boost our immune system and prevent diseases.
– Know the difference and make an informed decision.
Look around and find out why a friend, a sister or somebody you know is sick.
The signs are there.
What touches our skin, passes through our mouth, where we walk, what we hear and even what we choose to see through our eyes and mind have an effect on our body.

By Isa

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